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Help for drawing classes

How to Photograph Drawings

To submit your work for review and grading, make photographs of your drawings.

Photograph your work as sharp and bright as possible – it is what the instructor will use to evaluate your efforts, and you want the artwork to look it’s best.

  1. When you are finished with an assignment, photograph your drawing (without the flash) on the drawing board (edges of the paper must be showing). The camera resolution should 1200 x 1600 pixels (standard size on camera) or larger and 72 dpi
  2. Photograph the work vertically.
  3. Place lights on either side of the artwork, directed towards the artwork.
  4. Line up the camera lens so that it is even with the light and parallel with the center of the artwork to achieve even lighting and avoid distortion.
  5. Make sure there are no shadows on the artwork and that only the artwork and drawing board are in the photo. Take several images.

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Other options for taking photos of your artwork are:

Take the photo outside during daylight; before 11 am and after 2 pm is best.

  • Lay the artwork on the ground – a clean driveway or sidewalk works (you may want to put a clean paper down first and then the artwork). Stand over the artwork with your shadow behind you, not on the artwork. Make sure the camera lens is lined up parallel with the center of the artwork.
  • Keep the artwork on the drawing board, stand it up as vertical as possible on a sunny wall. Make sure there are no shadows on the artwork and make sure the camera lens is lined up parallel with the center of the artwork.

To upload and submit the image:

  1. Plug the camera with the USB cord into your computer and download the images into Photoshop or Preview; choose the sharpest, brightest photo. 
  2. Save the image as a jpg, following the assignment instructions for naming the file.  Each exercise and assignment provides you with the exact file name to use for your images.
  3. If necessary, you may adjust the levels, brightness/contrast, opacity etc., in Photoshop.
  4. Upload to the LMS activity. Provide a comment if requested.


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