Critical Disability Theory
Eisenhauer Richardson, J.T. (2018). The art and politics of artists with mental disabilities experiencing confinement. Studies in Art Education, 59(1). 8-21.
Eisenhauer, J. and Richardson, J. (2014). Dr. Phil, medical theaters, freakshows, and talking couches: The talking stage as pedagogical site. Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies, 8(1), 67-80.
Eisenhauer, J. (2008). A visual culture of stigma: Critically examining representations of mental illness. Art Education, 61(5), 13-18.
Eisenhauer, J. (2007).Just looking and staring back: Challenging ableism through disability performance art. Studies in Art Education, 49(1), 7-22.
Wexler, A., & Derby, J. (2015). Art in Institutions: The Emergence of (Disabled) Outsiders. Studies in Art Education, 56(2), 127–141.
Disability Studies in Art Education Interest Group might have some helpful resources.
Feminism and Gender Theory
Beauvoir, Simone de, and H. M. Parshley. 1949. The second sex. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, U.K.: Penguin Books.
Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble (1990) Routledge: London. pp.1-13
Millett, Kate. 1969. Sexual politics. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Conkey, Margaret W. and Spector, Janet D. "Archaeology and the Study of Gender." Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory 7 (1984): 1-38. Accessed October 8, 2020.
Gero, Joan M. "Honoring Ambiguity/Problematizing Certitude." Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 14, no. 3 (2007): 311-27. Accessed October 8, 2020.
Nochlin, Linda, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?,” ArtNews(1971). pp. 1-26.
Rubio, Sandra Lozano (2011) Gender Thinking in the Making: Feminist Epistemology and Gender Archaeology, Norwegian Archaeological Review, 44:1, 21-39, DOI: 10.1080/00293652.2011.572674
Appiah, Kwame Anthony, “Whose Culture Is It, Anyway?” Cultural Heritage Issues (2010), pp. 207-221
Dean, Carolyn. "The Trouble with (The Term) Art." Art Journal, 2006 65(2), 24-32.
DeMarrais, Elizabeth & Castillo Butters, Luis & Earle, Timothy. (1996). Ideology, Materialization, and Power Strategies. Current Anthropology 37. 10.1086/204472.
DeMarrais, Elizabeth & John Robb (2013) Art makes society: an introductory visual essay, World Art, 3:1, 3-22, DOI: 10.1080/21500894.2013.782334
Derrida, Jacques. (1993). Specters of Marx. Routledge
Marx, Karl, “The Capitalist Character of Manufacture,” In Carma Gorman’s (Ed.) The Industrial Design Reader (2003). pp. 22-25.
Sillar, Bill. “The Social Agency of Things? Animism and Materiality in the Andes.” Cambridge Archaeological Journal 19, no. 3 (2009): 367–77. doi:10.1017/S0959774309000559.
Ten Hoeve, Lee. "Why Visual Culture should Impact our Curriculum."The Art of Education." March 1, 2017.
Weismantel, Mary J. Seeing like an archaeologist : Viveiros de Castro at Chavín de Huantar. In: Journal of Social Archaeology. 2015 ; Vol. 15, No. 2. pp. 139-159
Critical Race Theory
Gibson, Chantal N. and Monique Silverman. "Sur/Rendering Her Image: The Unknowable Harriet Tubman." Canadian Art Review, 2005, 30(1/2), 25-38
Gordon, Avery. "Introduction" and "Chapter 1" in Ghostly Matters, 2008. xv-28
Grigsby, Darcy Grimaldo. "Still Thinking about Olympia's Maid." The Art Bulletin, 2015, 97(4), 430-451.
Livingston, Josephine. "The Whitney Museum's Careless Attempt to Curate a Summer of Black Uprising." The New Republic. August 25, 2020.
Miner, Horace. "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" American Anthropologist, 1956, 58(3), 503-507
Naunton, Chris. "Decolonising, Egyptology & the Dirty Little Secret." July 23, 2020
Schenk, Lejo and Meta Knol. "The Distinction between Western and non-Western Art is Outdated." Framer/Framed.
Breton, Andre, First Surrealist Manifesto (1924)
Steinberg, Leo. "Velázquez' "Las Meninas"." October 19 (1981): 45-54. Accessed October 8, 2020. doi:10.2307/778659.
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