Whether you're an online or on-ground student, you'll likely encounter situations where you're unsure how to proceed. We've compiled some answers to questions you might currently have (or have in the future)!
Where can I find my class schedule?
To view your current and upcoming class schedules, visit the Student Portal and log in with your RMCAD credentials. If you have any questions about your course sequence, be sure to contact your advisor. (Not sure who your advisor is? Reach out to advising@rmcad.edu.)
I’m having trouble keeping up with the content and assignments in my course. What should I do?
Everyone struggles with their coursework from time to time; luckily, RMCAD is full of resources to help.
- Your instructors are among your most important resources at RMCAD, so don’t be afraid to ask for their help when you need it! Most have designated office hours (check your syllabus) meant for students to drop in, ask questions, and chat about class. If you can’t find your instructor’s office hours, though--or if you’re unavailable at the times listed--send them a friendly, professional email asking to meet. Working directly with your instructor helps ensure that the information you receive is correct and relevant, and it shows them that you care enough about the class to ask for help.
- Do you benefit from talking through your assignments or ideas? Make an appointment at the Student Learning Center! SLC tutors can help you understand and apply concepts you’re learning in class, break down tough projects, and improve your time management skills. You can even schedule recurring weekly appointments with the same tutor!
- Check out LinkedInLearning for tutorials in software and more.
Something came up and I can’t make it to class. Now what?
Email your instructor ASAP and respectfully let them know you won’t be able to make it to class. Using the resources at your disposal--the course syllabus, the LMS, other classmates, and your instructor--find out what you’ll be missing and what, if anything, you need to turn in. See RMCAD’s policy on absences here.
I don’t understand this week’s assignment, but when I reached out to my instructor, they never got back to me. What do I do?
- First, make sure you’re using your instructor’s preferred method of communication, which is usually a direct message on the LMS or an email. Many instructors specify their preference, as well as their typical response time, at the beginning of the term in the syllabus or an LMS announcement. Avoid asking urgent questions in the Feedback section of the LMS, as these can be easy to miss.
- Make an appointment with an SLC tutor. While they may not be able to answer every question you have (especially specific ones meant for your instructor), they can provide general assignment support and help you find answers to your own questions.
- Ask a classmate on the LMS! You can send a message to someone you recognize from other classes, or even someone whose discussion posts catch your eye every week. They may have some insight to share.
What should I do if I’m experiencing technical issues with the LMS?
Reach out to your instructor ASAP to let them know what’s going on, and include screenshots if you can. If you’re unable to submit assignments on the LMS, you can send these to your instructor in an email, too. For online tech assistance, contact RMCADGo at 1-888-762-2346.
Can someone help me install software for class?
Spectrum, RMCAD’s supply store, can help you install required course software. Contact them at spectrum@rmcad.edu or 303-753-6046.
How can I connect to other students at RMCAD?
Whether you’re an online or on-ground student, there are plenty of ways to connect with your peers.
- Click here for a list of upcoming events, including workshops, Visiting Artist and Designer (VASD) lectures, and, in the spirit of social distancing, Netflix streaming parties.
- Get to know your other students and share pictures of your work on the RMCAD mobile app.
- Consider joining a club! You can find a full list of clubs, many of which are meeting remotely during Quarantine, on the Groups & Clubs page of the app.