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Triboro News


Did you know that the SLC has a YouTube account where we keep all our helpful videos?

We have made playlists for many of the important tools you use, such as  Maya and Revit. We also have a tips and tricks series for some of the common questions we get asked, like “how do I allow pop-ups?”

You can also request that we make a video if you are struggling with some aspect of your learning. 

Contact the SLC at and enjoy watching some videos!

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profile-icon Martha Neth

Hey everyone, you all know that library databases are available on the student portal. Here is a quick list of what we offer. If you have any trouble accessing the databases from the portal, remember to allow pop-ups in your browser! If you are still having trouble, contact us at


JSTOR and ArtStor 

JSTOR is a research database primarily used for art history and the humanities. Artstor is a digital image library.


Berg Fashion Library. 

Coverage of world fashion including journal articles, ebooks, and images.


Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts

170 ebooks in the applied visual arts. Great for photo, graphic design, drawing, and more. 


Building Green

Sustainable design resources for architecture and interior design – includes case studies and information about materials. 


EbscoHost (includes Art & Architecture Source, eBooks, and more)

Substantial research database for pretty much everything. 


Fairchild Books Interior Design Library

Fairchild Books Interior Design Library about 70 acclaimed textbooks and dedicated supplementary resources, to support interior design curriculum.


Films on Demand 

More than 30,000 of streaming educational films and documentaries



Movies and documentaries.


Music Online: Listening

Comprehensive streaming audio collection


Naxos Music Library

Streaming classical music


Stash Media

Online magazine that showcases exceptional motion design, visual effects, and animation projects. 



Trend forecasting.  We subscribe to fashion and interior design, but don’t let that stop you. You want to know what colors will be popular in 2024, visit WGSN. Lots of lifestyle forecasting is included. 

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profile-icon Jenni Pulley

The SLC consists of professional and peer tutors to assist with a wide range of topics from understanding assignments to navigating software and mentorship. Learn more about our tutors below!


Animation Tutor

  • Perspective & Figure Drawing
  • StoryBoard Pro
  • ToonBoom & Harmony
  • Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Foundations


Game Art Tutor & Library Manager

  • Game Art & 3D Animation
  • Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro
  • LMS and Computer Navigation
  • Substance Painter & ZBrush
  • Maya & Unreal Engine

Chloe J

Illustration, Focus in Concept Art.

  • Foundations classes
  • Drawing - Perspective, value, mark-making, and figure
  • Color theory and painting


Fashion Design Tutor

  • Fashion Construction l - lll
  • History of Fashion
  • Draping
  • Fashion Illustration
  • Adobe Indesign, Illustrator and Procreate


Interior Design Tutor

  • Revit, Sketchup & AutoCAD
  • Time Management and Reading Strategies
  • Adobe InDesign and Photoshop
  • Financial Principles and Foundational Mathematics
  • CMS and Citations


Writing Tutor

  • Academic writing
  • Creative writing
  • CMOS (Chicago Manual of Style)
  • Citations
  • Liberal arts



Graphic Design Tutor

  • Foundations Classes
  • Ideation, Process and Organization
  • Software Navigation, Adobe Creative Suite, and Microsoft Office
  • Fiber Art and Sculpting


Interior Design Tutor

  • Time Management
  • Foundations
  • Perspective Drawing
  • Hand Rendering
  • Basic Adobe
  • Basic AutoCAD
  • Beginner to Advanced Revit


Interior Design Tutor CAD - Intermediate to Advanced, Interior Design, Revit - All Levels

  • Interior Design
  • Revit
  • AutoCAD

Martha, MA, MLS.

Director of the Learning Commons

  • I've got you covered on research
  • I can answer questions with the best of them.
  • LMS Navigation
  • Foundations & Art History


Music Tutor

  • Music Production tutoring
  • Writing about Music
  • Music Theory and Musicianship tutoring


Music Tutor

  • ProTools
  • Garage Band
  • Music Theory & Writing


Make an appointment today!

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profile-icon Jenni Pulley

Spring A has started! We hope everyone is feeling comfortable as the new term begins.


Let’s go over a few things:


The Learning Commons consists of the Student Learning Center (SLC) and Library. We are here to provide academic support. This means we can help with coursework, understanding assignments, providing feedback on your work, navigating software, and more.  



We want to help you to learn more effectively! Here are some tools to assist you:


  1. Our library databases. These are all available through the portal, but you can get a glimpse at them here:
    1. If you go to the portal and the links don’t work, check your popup blocker. You have to allow pop-ups. 99.99% of the time, that is the reason the databases don’t work. 
    2. The process for logging into EBSCOHost has changed. We've created a tip sheet to walk you through it.
  2. Our SLC scheduler:
    1. You need to make an account, this is not automatic. Use your RMCAD email address and make up a password of your choosing. 
    2. Once you have an account you can choose your topic and find the person who can help. We meet on Google Meet, Zoom, or in person.
  3. Our SLC Shared Drive:
    1. This drive has all our tipsheets – we even have a spreadsheet with the tipsheets all linked!
  4. Our YouTube channel:
    1. This channel has helpful videos of all kinds, including how to access library resources. 


If you need further assistance or have questions, please email us at

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