Hey everyone, you all know that library databases are available on the student portal. Here is a quick list of what we offer. If you have any trouble accessing the databases from the portal, remember to allow pop-ups in your browser! If you are still having trouble, contact us at library@rmcad.edu.


JSTOR and ArtStor 

JSTOR is a research database primarily used for art history and the humanities. Artstor is a digital image library.


Berg Fashion Library. 

Coverage of world fashion including journal articles, ebooks, and images.


Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts

170 ebooks in the applied visual arts. Great for photo, graphic design, drawing, and more. 


Building Green

Sustainable design resources for architecture and interior design – includes case studies and information about materials. 


EbscoHost (includes Art & Architecture Source, eBooks, and more)

Substantial research database for pretty much everything. 


Fairchild Books Interior Design Library

Fairchild Books Interior Design Library about 70 acclaimed textbooks and dedicated supplementary resources, to support interior design curriculum.


Films on Demand 

More than 30,000 of streaming educational films and documentaries



Movies and documentaries.


Music Online: Listening

Comprehensive streaming audio collection


Naxos Music Library

Streaming classical music


Stash Media

Online magazine that showcases exceptional motion design, visual effects, and animation projects. 



Trend forecasting.  We subscribe to fashion and interior design, but don’t let that stop you. You want to know what colors will be popular in 2024, visit WGSN. Lots of lifestyle forecasting is included.