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Triboro News

profile-icon Martha Neth

It's the last week of the term! Are losing steam ? It might be time to take a brain break! Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to take a break with finals week just around the corner? Did you know that taking a short break, even just 5 minutes can help reset your focus? 

Here are some suggestions depending on how much time you have!

5 min. - Get outside and smell that fresh air! If you only have a few minutes, just going outside even if it’s on your balcony can help to slow down and reset your mind. Take it a step further by taking a few deep breaths. 

10 min. - Make your favorite cold beverage! My go to is a cup of iced tea with a chocolate biscuit. 

15 min. - Take a relaxing walk. Even if it’s just around the neighborhood or apartment complex, it’s nice to get out and separate yourself from your workspace. You might even find inspiration, or break through that roadblock that you’ve been struggling with.

30 min. - Are you currently working on an art piece and find yourself stuck? Try reading a chapter from a favorite book!

45 min. - Make a home cooked meal! Recharge your body and mind with something yummy. I love chopping up my favorite vegetables, covering them with olive oil - a little salt and pepper - and throwing them in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 min. (This can vary depending on what vegetables you use.) While they are cooking, I will fix some protein and bam! An easy but healthy meal that I like!

1hr - Listen to a podcast. A few that I’m currently listening to are, My Favorite Murder, And That’s Why We Drink, and Let’s Not Meet, but there are so many other great ones to choose from! Owning It: The Anxiety Podcast is a great one that I listen to while I’m taking a break in between tasks.

2hrs - Have you been on the go all day? Watch a horror movie and get your blood pumping! This is more for fun, but you can turn it into a brain break by making a healthy snack to go with your movie, or by brewing up some tea or coffee! Or, if we are really being honest here, a big jug of water to go with all of that popcorn you just made. 


Also, if you are on campus, come by the library and draw on our new chalkboard wall!

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profile-icon Martha Neth

Meet your new fashion tutor!


  1. What’s your major?

Fashion Design

  1. What’s your year? 


  1. Where are you from? 

Colorado Springs

  1. What's your favorite spot on campus? 

In the grass by the sculpture garden

  1. What's your favorite art medium or tool? 

Alcohol markers or acrylic paint

  1. Who is your favorite artist? 

Renoir and Hokusai. My favorite designers are Bob Mackie and Rei Kawakubo

  1. What's your favorite food?


  1. What's your favorite mode of transportation?

My favorite mode of transportation is to drive I love to take mountain drives

  1. What's your favorite book?  

Jurassic Park, anything by Michael Crichton really

  1. What's your favorite TV series?

Parks & Rec

  1. What's your favorite movie? 

Emperor’s New Groove

  1. If you were a character in your favorite movie/book/TV show, who would you be?  

Probably Donna Meagle, at least that’s my goal

  1. Cats or dogs?  


  1. Lightning or thunder? 


  1. If you were a color, what color would you be? 

Green, I love almost every shade of green, it makes me so happy

  1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?  

Teleport so do not have to sit in traffic ever again

  1. What would you do if you had to do the same thing every day? 

Go for a walk

  1. What is the scariest fun thing you have ever done?

Studied abroad, very scary but some of my best memories

  1. What do you hope to do when you graduate?

Begin as an assistant fashion designer and work my way up from there.

  1. What's your one piece of advice for RMCAD students? 

You get out what you put in so don’t be afraid to get involved!

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profile-icon Martha Neth


In much of the US today, we will see some (or all) of the solar eclipse. Solar eclipses allow for a glimpse of the sun’s corona—the outermost atmosphere of the star that is normally not visible to humans because of the sun’s brightness. If you are in the path of totality, the moon will completely cover the sun and you will see the umbra, the dark, inner shadow.  Those of us in Colorado will see the penumbra, the outer, lighter second shadow.

When watching the partial phases of the solar eclipse directly with your eyes, which happens before and after totality, you must look through safe eclipse glasses or a safe handheld solar viewer at all times. Eclipse glasses are NOT regular sunglasses; regular sunglasses, no matter how dark, are not safe for viewing the Sun. Be very careful not to look directly at the sun. Eye damage can occur instantly.

During the last eclipse, I found that using a colander provided a very interesting way to see the effect if you don't have glasses. Or make yourself a pinhole camera!

Apparently animals can become very confused during an eclipse, so if you are working at home, consider providing an extra cuddle. 

If you are interested in learning more, check out this video from Films on Demand about the last eclipse in the US. 

Be careful out there!

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profile-icon Martha Neth

We often focus on academic things in the Learning Commons. But today I want to go over something WAY more important.

How to pet a dog. 

First things first, do you know the dog?

If you do not know the dog, make sure to ask for permission before diving in. While dogs can be great, they can also be dangerous. Also, never pet a dog while it is working. 

If you do know the dog, especially if it is YOUR dog, you will probably need to pet it on a regular basis. 

First, pay attention to what the dog likes. Some dogs don’t want their ears or belly touched. Respect that feeling. You don't always want your ears or belly touched either. 

Second, don’t pet the dog when it is really muddy.  Wash it first. It won’t bother the dog if you pet him, but you will then be covered in mud as well. 

Three, sometimes you will need to get down on the floor in the play position to make petting really fun. The play position looks like this: 


Romping with your dog is very important. Make sure to do it often. It can be interspersed with petting. 


Happy April 1!!!

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